Friday, September 03, 2021 2:05 PM
A proposed redistricting plan for the La Crosse County Board will be presented at a public hearing on Sept. 13. View the proposed new map and find more information here.
The La Crosse County Redistricting Committee has approved a redistricting plan that now moves to the full county board for consideration.
The plan would increase the number of board seats from 29 to 30. By adding a new seat outside the City of La Crosse, the plan reflects population growth in suburban parts of the county.
The proposed map can be viewed by clicking here:
As a comparison, you can view the current board map at this link. Next, the tentative map will be presented at a public hearing at 5 p.m. on Sept. 13 (click here to find out how to attend), and will then go to the full county board for approval.
Four current county board incumbents would be in districts with new numbers under the proposed map, if they choose to run in the 2022 elections.
-Supervisor Dave Hundt, currently in District 25, would be in the new District 26
-Supervisor Dan Hesse, currently in District 26, would be in the new District 27
-Supervisor Tom Jacobs, currently in District 27, would be in the new District 29
-Supervisor Jamie O’Neill, currently in District 29, would be in the new District 30
The district that would have no current incumbent under the proposed new map is District 25, which includes territory in the towns of Holland, Farmington, Burns and Hamilton.
The map was one of six considered by the redistricting committee, with some of the others keeping the board at 29 seats, and other variations also going up to 30 seats. To view the other maps that were considered, please click this link and then go to "other committees" at the top of the page, then "redistricting committee".
Guiding principles for the county's redistricting process have included:
-All districts must be substantially equal in population.
-Districts must generally consist of whole wards or municipalities.
-Territory within each district must be contiguous (except for island territory) and compact.
All the maps were prepared by county GIS staff using population estimates provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, and then presented to the redistricting committee for input.
Send questions or comments about the redistricting process to [email protected].
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