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Human Services




Human Services

Employment, Financial Assistance and Basic Needs

Food Assistance (FoodShare)

FoodShare helps people with limited income buy food.  For adults receiving FoodShare who would like assistance in finding employment, you can be referred to the FoodShare Employment and Training Program, also known as FSET.  This is a voluntary program that helps FoodShare customers build their job skills and find employment.  If you are looking for employment or a better job, FSET may be able to help.  To be referred contact the Western Region for Economic Assistance Consortium at 1-888-627-0430.


How to Apply:


Apply by phone or in person, call: 1-888-627-0430

Apply on-line: https://access.wisconsin.gov/

Fill out a paper application: FoodShare Application, F-16019.

Paper applications may also be picked up at the County agency at: 

La Crosse County Human Services

300 4th Street North

La Crosse, Wi 54601


An interview either by phone or in person must be conducted to complete the application process. 

For more information, go to: http://dhs.wisconsin.gov/foodshare/index.htm


Fax Proof/Verification: 1-855-293-1822

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Health Insurance (Medicaid)

BadgerCare Plus
BadgerCare Plus can provide medical coverage to:


  1. Children under 19 years of age who have income at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level.  If income is over 300% of the Federal Poverty Level they may become eligible by meeting a deductible.
  2. Pregnant women must have income at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level.  If income is over 300% of the Federal Poverty Level they may become eligible by meeting a deductible.
  3. Non-pregnant adults age 19 or older must have income at or below 100% of the Federal Poverty Level to be eligible for BadgerCare Plus.
  4. Youths exiting out-of-home care, youths who were in foster care, subsidized guardianships, or court-ordered kinship care when they turn 18 will be eligible for BadgerCare Plus up to age 26.
To apply online, go to: https://access.wisconsin.gov

To apply by phone, in person, or to get a paper application, call: 1-888-627-0430

For more information, go to:  https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/badgercareplus/index.htm

Family Care / IRIS (Include Respect I Self-Direct)
Family Care is a long-term care program for groups who are elderly, adults with physical disabilities or with developmental disabilities.

To apply, contact the  Aging and Disability Resource Center at: 608-785-5700 or 800-500-3910

For more information, go to: www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/ltcare/

Institutional Home Medicaid
Institutional Home Medicaid provides medical services for those who reside in a medical care facility such as a nursing home.

To apply online, go to: https://access.wisconsin.gov

To apply by phone, in person, or to get a paper application, call: 1-888-627-0430

For more information, go to: www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/medicaid/index.htm

Family Planning
Family planning only services is a plan that provides certain family planning related services.  Individuals must have income at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level.

To apply online, go to: https://access.wisconsin.gov

To apply by phone, in person, or to get a paper application, call: 1-888-627-0430
For more information, go to:  https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/badgercareplus/index.htm

Medicaid Purchase Plan (MAPP)
Medicaid Purchase Plan (MAPP) offers the opportunity to receive health care coverage through the Wisconsin Medicaid Program to people interested in working who have been determined disabled by the State of Wisconsin.  A premium may be required depending on income.

To apply online, go to: https://access.wisconsin.gov

To apply by phone, in person, or to get a paper application, call:  1-888-627-0430

For more information, go to: www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/medicaid

Medicare Savings Program
Medicare Savings Program, also known as QMB, SLMB, and SLMB+, are programs that help pay for certain Medicare premiums.
To apply online, go to: https://access.wisconsin.gov

To apply by phone, in person, or to get a paper application, call: 1-888-627-0430

For more information, go to: www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/medicaid


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Energy (Heating) Assistance

home energy

Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) provides assistance for heating cost, electric cost, and energy crisisfurnacesituations.

Heating Assistance - is a one-time payment during the heating season (October 1 – May 15).  The funding pays a portion of the heating costs, but not intended to cover the entire cost of heating.

Electric Assistance (Non-Heating) - is a one-time benefit payment during the heating season intended to pay a portion of the household’s electrical (non-heating) costs.

Crisis Assistance - may be available if you have no heat, have received a disconnect notice, or are nearly out of fuel and do not have the money to purchase more.

Furnace Assistance - may be available to eligible homeowners or renters if the furnace stops operating.

Weatherization - is a program to help households save on their energy burden by making your place of living more energy efficient.  If you are eligible for WHEAP, your application information will be referred to the local weatherization agency who go through a selection process and contact those households for potential weatherization services. 

Services include:House

  • Insulation of attics, walls, and floors
  • Insulation or replacement of the water heater
  • Reducing air leakage
  • General health and safety inspections
  • Providing information about maintenance and energy conservation


To apply:

La Crosse County residents: call 608-785-5582, or apply online DEHCR Welcome to DEHCR (wi.gov). You can apply by phone, mail, online, or in person.

For after-hour fuel crisis or furnace assistance for La Crosse County residents call: 608-782-6126

For where to apply for other counties and for more information about energy assistance go to: http://www.homeenergyplus.wi.gov


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    Finding employment (FoodShare)

    FoodShare helps people with limited income buy food.  For adults receiving FoodShare who would like assistance in finding employment, you can be referred to the FoodShare Employment and Training Program, also known as FSET.  This is a voluntary program that helps FoodShare customers build their job skills and find employment.  If you are looking for employment or a better job, FSET may be able to help.  To be referred contact the Western Region for Economic Assistance Consortium at 1-888-627-0430.

    To apply online, go to: https://access.wisconsin.gov
    To apply by phone or to apply in person, call: 1-888-627-0430

    An interview either by phone or in person must be conducted to complete the application process. 

    For more information, go to:  http://dhs.wisconsin.gov/foodshare/index.htm



    To view the nondiscrimination statement, and for information on filing a complaint of discrimination, click on this linkhttp://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/foodshare/

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