Tuesday, November 15, 2022 9:51 AM
The 2023 budget will cut the county's property tax rate by almost 10% while enhancing programs that build community.
The La Crosse County Board has approved a budget for 2023 that lowers taxes, increases spending on highways, and reduces the county’s debt. The board passed the $208 million spending plan Monday by a vote of 27-0.
“This budget delivers tremendous value for taxpayers,” said County Board Chair Monica Kruse. “We will cut taxes and reduce debt while improving the county services that create opportunity for all.”
The budget includes no new borrowing for the first time in at least 20 years, protecting taxpayers from rising interest rates. County employees will receive a 3% raise and their health insurance premiums will be unchanged for the fifth consecutive year.
La Crosse County’s budget supports five county libraries, two nursing homes, sheriff’s deputies who patrol rural roads, and a range of programs that help low-income families. About 18% of the county budget is funded by property taxes, with the remaining revenue coming from state and federal grants, public charges, and sales taxes. For 2023, the county’s property tax rate will fall by 9.6%. La Crosse County has the fifth lowest property tax levy per capita in Wisconsin.
“Our 2023 budget is a fiscally responsible spending plan that protects the county from inflation, maintains strong reserves, and supports vital public services,” said Interim County Administrator Jane Klekamp.
Other areas supported by the county budget include the Highway Department, which manages 282 miles of highways and 72 bridges. Funding for highway capital projects will increase from $5 million to $7 million under the 2023 budget. The budget also supports eight county parks and forests, the Health Department, Human Services Department, and the offices of county clerk, treasurer and register of deeds.
View the 2023 budget here: rptBudgetWorksheet (lacrossecounty.org)
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