Thursday, June 08, 2023 1:26 PM
The goal is sustainable solutions that lead to “functional zero” homelessness.
The City of La Crosse and La Crosse County have announced that they are working collaboratively to create a new 5-year plan to implement long-term, sustainable solutions to homelessness.
The data-driven plan will prioritize addressing the increased number of unsheltered individuals the La Crosse Community has seen in recent years. It will include enhanced coordination of existing services, with city and county staff in the lead.
“We are advancing in a positive direction that will increase accountability and ensure our dollars are used in ways that have the most impact to help people be successful,” said Monica Kruse, La Crosse County Board Chair.
The plan will incorporate evidence-based approaches such as the Housing First model, which prioritizes finding a safe place to live for people who are unsheltered. The overall goal is to achieve “functional zero” homelessness in La Crosse County within the next five years. This would mean the number of people experiencing homelessness at any time would not exceed the community’s capacity to move people into permanent housing.
“We believe this unprecedented, unified effort is the way forward,” said Mayor Mitch Reynolds. “While citizens may see and experience the outward effects of homelessness – those sleeping in public spaces and the disruption this may cause – there is a much greater toll and cost to us as a whole. If we are to be successful in this aggressive goal of ‘functional zero,’ there is no question we will need strong support from the community, our health and human service agencies, and our business leaders.”
Elements of the new plan may include city-held leases to create additional housing capacity, and improved coordination of street outreach, case management and services, with support from county staff.
“We will be working closely with community partners and will need broad support for this plan to work,” said Jason Witt, La Crosse County Human Services Director. “The key to this plan will be improved coordination among everyone working on this issue to maximize our resources and get people into housing.”
County board and city council members listened to a joint presentation on the new initiative during a special council meeting on June 6. You can view that presentation here: June 6 City/County Presentation
The number of people experiencing homelessness has increased during the pandemic in our region, with an estimated 80 people currently sleeping outside in La Crosse. There are also 288 people on the Coordinated Entry List, which covers La Crosse, Vernon, Monroe, and Crawford counties and includes people living in shelter. The estimated annual unrecognized cost to the community of homelessness is $3.3 million. This covers estimates of increased use of various public and private resources, such as emergency room visits.
“As our community continues to address the daily needs of individuals experiencing homelessness, this partnership prioritizes the long-term, sustainable solutions that are needed,” said Brian Sampson, City of La Crosse Homelessness Coordinator.
The plan is expected to be presented to the county board and city council before the end of this year, with implementation set to begin in 2024.
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