What are we doing: The City of La Crosse and La Crosse County have developed a new coordinated homelessness action plan called Pathways Home. The goal is to achieve Functional Zero homelessness in La Crosse by 2029.
Why are we doing this: The city and county have identified a need for a sustainable, data-driven and coordinated response to homelessness. At present, homelessness response is often fragmented and lacks clear goals. This plan will pool resources, learn from what has worked elsewhere, and have accountable leadership.
What’s next: Pathways Home was presented to a joint meeting of La Crosse County Board and City of La Crosse Common Council on Monday, Jan. 8, and implementation of the plan has begun.
What does functional zero mean: Functional Zero is a benchmark used by many other communities to effectively end homelessness by preventing homelessness whenever possible, and ensuring it’s rare brief and only happens one time if it does occur. For our community, it would mean the number of people experiencing homelessness never exceeds our capacity to move people into permanent housing.
What about the organizations already working on homelessness: Community agencies working on homelessness in our city and county will be an integral part of the plan. Input from those organizations has helped and will continue to inform this process. We believe everyone will benefit from the greater coordination offered by this new approach under the city and county’s leadership.
Learn more: Read the Pathways Home plan here.
How do I contact the team working on this project: You can email us at [email protected].
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