Membership: The Committee of the Whole shall be composed of the entire County Board. The County Board Chair shall act as Chair of the committee and shall arrange such meetings as are necessary.
Duties and Powers: The committee shall act as a steering committee and shall make a continuous study of all County affairs and coordinate long-range planning and objectives.
Monthly Meeting: meets the third Thursday of the month*
Planning Meeting: meets the Monday of the week prior to the third Thursday*
*In April meets the third Tuesday for either the organizational or
reorganizational, in November meets the first Tuesday after the
second Monday for the annual meeting
These dates and times could vary for special circumstances.
For any special meetings or possible changes due to holidays or other conflicts, check the agenda.
County Board meetings are aired the 2nd and 4th Sundays at noon on Charter cable channel 5
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
1. Click on link above, Click the menu in the gray bar to select a section.
2. Select committee from the list
All 29 County Board Supervisors. List can be found HERE.
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