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County Board

Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)

The (LEPC) Local Emergency Planning Committee's primary responsibility is to develop and review annually an emergency response plan for hazardous and toxic chemical accidents. The LEPC plan must evaluate available resources for preparing for and responding to a potential chemical accident. This committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Judiciary and Law Committee.

Meeting Information

All Standing Committees and Boards meet monthly.
These dates and times could vary for special circumstances.
For any special meetings or possible changes due to Holidays or other conflicts, check the agenda.

Meeting Agendas and Minutes
  1. Click on link above, Click the menu in the gray bar to select a section.
  2. Select committee from the list         

Committee Members
  • Paul Albrecht
  • Carol Drury
  • Jeff Schott
  • David Steinberg
  • Mike Horstman
  • Adam Jacobson
  • Jim Krueger
  • Margaret Larson
  • Robert Meuer
  • Vacant
  • Bob Ritger
  • Jill Billings
  • Marc Schultz
  • Dan Smith, Chair
  • Kelly Wilde
  • Larry Wopat