The Executive Committee acts as the policy oversight committee for the County Administrator; Corporation Counsel and Child Support Agency; County Clerk; Finance; Information Technology; Personnel and Treasurer. This Committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending action on the annual budget prepared by the County Administrator for submission to the County Board; sets parameters and goals and gives policy direction to the County Administrator and Personnel Director on collective bargaining issues; has jurisdiction over all County personnel matters; provides oversight on all County financial matters, examines all claims against the County; and meets with representatives from other municipalities of La Crosse County to act as a liaison between governmental units and to discuss problems of mutual concern.
8:00 A.M. Wednesday of *Committee Week
*Committee Week shall be the week before the County Board meets
All Standing Committees and Boards meet monthly.
These dates and times could vary for special
For any special meetings or possible changes due to Holidays or other conflicts, check the agenda.
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
1. Click on link above, Click 'Standing Committees'
2. Select committee from the list
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