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County Board

Public Works and Infrastructure Committee

The Public works and Infrastructure Committee acts as the policy oversight committee for Facilities, Highway, and Solid Waste departments. The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee makes policy, legislative and funding decisions related to all county-owned buildings, highways, bridges, parks and solid waste facilities, as well as other real estate and properties. Issues typically addressed by this committee include: capital improvement projects; facilities maintenance; preventive maintenance; construction; personal property and real estate; and the operations, repairs and upkeep of assets. In addition, the committee oversees the operations of the county's Solid Waste Department.

Meeting Information

5:00 P.M. Monday of *Committee Week
*Committee Week shall be the week before the County Board meets

All Standing Committees and Boards meet monthly.
These dates and times could vary for special circumstances.
For any special meetings or possible changes due to Holidays or other conflicts, check the agenda.

Meeting Agendas and Minutes
  1. Click on link above, Click 'Standing Committees'
  2. Select committee from the list                  

Committee Members
  • Joe Kovacevich, Chair
  • Randy Erickson
  • Ralph Geary
  • David Hundt
  • Grant Mathu
  • Steve Doyle
  • Travis Elam