Phone Numbers
General: 608-785-9604
Victim Witness: 608-785-9608
Fax: 608-789-4853
Office Hours
M–F 8:00 am
– 4:30pm
Law Enforcement Center
333 Vine St., Room 1100
La Crosse, WI 54601
Each year merchants lose millions of dollars to bad checks. Bad checks affect everyone, pushing the costs of goods and services higher. As you know, they can be devastating to small businesses. Make no mistake; unlawfully issuing a bad check is a crime.
The Check Enforcement Program is designed to assist merchants in recovering losses from intentionally written bad checks. The Program is FREE to all victims who accept a bad check within La Crosse County.
It is designed to handle dishonored checks marked “Insufficient” or “Non-sufficient Funds,” and “Account Closed” that are passed in La Crosse County.
Our primary goal is to assure full restitution for the victim - including a victim service fee - without adding to the financial burden of the criminal justice system.
Merchants in La Crosse County benefit from the Program because they receive restitution without paying any fees.
First-time bad check writers benefit from the opportunity to avoid criminal prosecution by completing a financial training course. However, if the person fails to respond to the Program, the case will be referred for prosecutorial review.
Finally, an improved economic climate in La Crosse County helps us all, businesses and individuals alike.
If bad checks are a concern for your business, I encourage you to participate. Please take a few minutes to explore this site to learn more about the Check Enforcement Program. Learn how this Program can benefit you, and then feel free to
register and use the Program.
Tim Gruenke
District Attorney
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