Making dinner reservations.
Finding a babysitter.
Asking what time the parade starts.
What do the above tasks have in common? Each of these has been a reason that someone has called 9-1-1. Even though
9-1-1 has been the emergency number in La Crosse County since 1983, people still turn to this vital public safety service for non-emergencies and, in some cases, trivial reasons.
The concept of 9-1-1 seems simple enough – one
easily-remembered telephone number that serves as the vital link between the public and emergency services. However, there is enough miss-guided use of the system that April has been designated as 9-1-1 Education Month.
In 2011,
La Crosse County received approximately 30,000 9-1-1 calls. Most of those calls are for the intended purpose – an emergency response from police, fire-fighting and emergency medical services. But in more than 5,000 occasions, public
safety communications needed to resort to a 9-1-1 check where law enforcement officers are sent to determine if the call is truly an emergency. These calls are the result of inappropriate use of the 9-1-1 number, an open line where no one speaks
or a hang-up before a 9-1-1 dispatcher can speak to the caller.
The following are some general guidelines for 9-1-1:
For further questions or for additional information, contact La Crosse County Emergency Services at 608-785-9634.
La Crosse County Public Safety Dispatchers - Helping save lives, one call at a time.
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