La Crosse County Historic Sites
212 6th St N, Suite 2400
La Crosse, WI 54601
What is the Historic Site Preservation Commission?
The La Crosse County Historic Sites Preservation Commission is a branch of the County government that works to protect, preserve, and nominate historic sites in La Crosse County. The Commission deals mainly with properties outside the County's municipalities, but inside the townships. The Commission consists of a licensed Real Estate Broker, a County Board member, a Historian, an Architectural Historian, an Archaeologist, and two members of the public.
What is a Historic Site?
A historic site is usually considered to be a building or archaeological site that is more than 50 years old and that is considered to be important either by who designed/built it, who lived there, what it was used for, or what it can tell us about the past.
How Many Sites have been Nominated by the Commission?
Currently, the Commission has almost 30 properties listed as Historic Sites in La Crosse Conty. This designation of a County Site is different from a state or national nomination, which some of these sites may be eligible for also. This is a way for La Crosse County to nominate sites it feels are important to the history of the County.
Besides Nominating Sites, What Else Does The La Crosse County Historic Sites Preservation Commission Do?
The Commission meets on a monthly basis to discuss pertinent topics that deal with historic properties and archaeological sites in La Crosse County. Contingent on funding, the Commission offers a yearly grant to non-profit groups in La Crosse County that are interested that are working to restore or maintain historic sites in La Crosse County. The Commission also applies for State and Federal grants to document historic sites.
Can I Come To A Meeting?
Like all County meetings, the meetings are open to the public. The Commission generally meets the second Friday of the month at 9 am in the County building at 212 6th Street North. Please contact 608-785-9700 to confirm a meeting date and room number.
How Do I Go about Nominating a Site I Feel Is Important to La Crosse County's History?
Please click here to go to the nomination page.
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