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Historic Sites

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La Crosse County Historic Sites

212 6th St N, Suite 2400
La Crosse, WI 54601



La Crosse County Historic Sites


In the past, La Crosse County offered a small grant program for established local historical societies in the County. This program was administered by the La Crosse County Historic Sites Preservation Commission. The County portion of the project could exceed $1,000. Local match was not required, but was encouraged. The grants are not longer available, but below is a list of past winners.

Past Preservation Grant Winners:
2014Bangor and Area Historical SocietyConcrete flooring$500
2014West Salem Historical SocietyDesktop computer, monitor, printer$500
2013Bangor and Area Historical SocietyTowards raised metal roofing project$1000
2012Bangor and Area Historical SocietyPurchase of a digital camera, scanner, laptop, printer, and surge protector to document existing collections$500
2012Onalaska Historical SocietyPurchase of a digital camera, tripod, memory card, and light box backdrop to document their existing collections.$500
2011Preservation Alliance of La CrosseElectrification of the cobbler shop and Greek Revival House near City Hall$1000
2010Onalaska Historical SocietyAssessment and maintenance of textiles from the Mary Jane Skaff Estate$500
2010West Salem Historical SocietyPainting of the exterior of the Palmer/Lewis$500
2009Bangor and Area Historical SocietyRepair to the Museum entrance$750
2008Preservation Alliance of La CrosseCreate colored brochure$500
2008NorskedalenTwilight History Tour – supplies for such$500
2007West Salem Historical SocietyRelocate the Palmer Lewis Octagon House$1,000
2006Onalaska Area Historical SocietyDisplay case(s)$600
2006Bangor Area Historical SocietyWindow shades/coverings$400
2005West Salem Historical SocietyRepaint Garland Homestead$600
2005Preservation Alliance of La CrosseSign for Rediske Cobbler Shop$300
2004No grant dollars in budget----
2003Ridge History Park, Inc.Middle Ridge School restoration$900
2002Bangor Area Historical SocietyRepair to First Baptist Church building950
2001Bangor Area Historical SocietyReplace roof on First Baptist Church/Bangor$1,500
2000Bangor Area Historical Society--$700
2000Preservation Alliance of La CrosseWindow replacement Floor in Greek Revival House$300
1999Bangor Area Historical SocietyContinue work on museum$1,250
1999Holmen Area Historical SocietyProject to identify historic sites and conduct tour$500
1998Bangor Area Historical SocietyWindow replacements in museum$1,000
1998Preservation Alliance of La CrosseMove and restore Farmer's House$750
1997Friends of McGilvray RoadMuseum improvements$750
1997Onalaska Area Historical SocietyNew brochure$250
1996Bangor Area HistoricalSociety Repairs and paint for their museum1,000
1995Onalaska Area Historical SocietyPurchase of secure cabinet$200
1995Bangor Area Historical SocietyTuckpointing Bangor Museum$200
1995Holmen Area Historical SocietyBrochure$200
1995West Salem Historical SocietyPaint for Garland Home$200