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Animal Waste Management

The department assists landowners who need animal waste management permits by providing guidance and technical experience throughout the permitting process.


Nutrient Management Planning Services

The department promotes nutrient management by providing cost-sharing and annual planning workshops.  The workshops, held in conjunction with NRCS, are offered to all landowners who apply animal manure or commercial fertilizer. 


Farmland Preservation Program (FPP)

The Wisconsin Farmland Preservation Program was created to prevent the conversion of prime farmland to non-agricultural uses, primarily caused by urban sprawl. Landowners who meet minimum eligibility criteria receive a state tax credit by agreeing to keep their land in agricultural production and comply with the program’s soil and water conservation requirements. The Department of Land Conservation provides planning, technical and financial assistance to County farmers to meet those conservation requirements.


Conservation Practices

The department provides technical, planning, and financial assistance to landowners who implement conservation measures that protect soil and water resources.  


    Grassed Waterway

    Grassed Waterway beforeBefore

       Grassed Waterway after After

    Stream Bank Protection




    Grade Stabilization Structure

    Grade Stabilization Before


    Grade Stabilization During


    Grade Stabilization After
