No, please contact or call the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) to find out what information must be provided to Medicare to determine coverage. For questions regarding Medicare, Medicare Part D and Senior Care; contact our Elderly Benefit Specialist:
Tina Johnson, Elderly Benefit Specialist
La Crosse County Aging Unit
ADRC of La Crosse County
300 4th St. North 2nd floor
La Crosse, WI 54601
Phone: (608) 785-6140
Fax: (608) 793-6522
[email protected]
Once you are covered by Medicare, you will be reviewed twice weekly to ensure you are continuing to meet the eligibility criteria for coverage.
For information on medical assistance for Hillview please contact the La Crosse County Economic Support Center at (608) 785-5582.
Hillview does have wireless available for public access on personal devices. Please know that there are areas around the building where the connection is not accessible or connections may be weak, including resident rooms.
Yes, you may bring your own TV if a flat panel with prior approval from our maintenance department. Hillview does not assume responsibility of accidents or damages to personal TVs. Hillview does provide a 43" smart TV and bracket for each resident room in Hillview Nursing home and The Evergreens CBRF.
Many residents bring personal cell phones for use as well as radios and laptops. See above for wireless public access code. We ask that after 10:30p.m.; TV’s and radios be played softly to avoid disturbing others or use of earphones or lounge TVs suggested. There are portable phones on each hall for resident use.
Visitors are welcome at any time. Please keep in mind, this is a home for many residents. Our front door is open from 8a.m. – 8p.m. If visiting outside these hours, please use the video/doorbell at the front door. Children are to be attended to while visiting. Well behaved pets are welcome on a leash and have current vaccination records on file with us.
Overnight accommodations are available for an added cost in our guest room and guest suite located at Carroll Heights. This room/suite is available for families of tenants residing at Hillview, The Oaks, Hillview Terrace, or Carroll Heights. Information or reservations can be made by contacting 608-785-5500.
If you or your loved one is acutely ill and has a roommate, staff will try to accommodate families and move them to a more private setting if able.
Please bring at least a week worth of loose-fitting clothing. We ask that we be allowed to mark clothing items with your name so that clothing items are not misplaced.
Hillview is a SMOKE FREE campus. Smoking by visitors, residents and employees is permitted only in their vehicles. No smoking on the Hillview Campus grounds.
Depending on the hallway lunch is served between 11:40 am – 12:30 pm daily and supper is served between 4:45 pm – 5:45 pm daily. Snacks are available at any time. All food items given to residents should be checked with the nurse on duty first. Many of our residents have special diet requirements and certain foods could have adverse effects on them. If bringing in snacks or personal food items, please have them in a tight sealed container to store in for sanitary reasons. Leftovers can be stored 3 days max in refrigerator.
We offer resident fund accounts. This account can be used to withdraw money for events such as the beauty shop, special outings, shopping trips, etc. Please speak with our business office for further information.
A key is for your bedside stand for you to lock up any personal items.
Hillview contracts an outside agency for our Beauty shop services. The salon is conveniently located just down the hall from the main dining room. Appointments can be made by calling the salon at 608-519-9372.
Please contact the Front Desk/receptionist for more information on rooms to reserve and availability.
Yes, please remember the following when bringing in seasonal decorations.
*All decorations are to be flame retardant
*No live wreaths or cut trees are allowed
*No extension cords or devices to alter the number of outlets is allowed
*Electrical cords may NOT cross a walkway
*All electrical decorations should be checked by maintenance before putting in service.