The National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) is a core Federal-aid highway program that provides support for the condition and performance of the National Highway System (NHS) and the construction of new facilities on the NHS. The NHPP also ensures that investments of Federal-aid funds in highway construction are directed to support progress toward the achievement of performance targets established in a state’s asset management plan for the NHS.
The table below reports the pavement and bridge condition and travel time reliability in the metropolitan planning area (MPA) for 2020 and 2021.
Over 71% of Wisconsin Interstate pavements (2020)1 and over 76% of Minnesota Interstate pavements (2021) in the MPA are rated "good." None of the Interstate in the MPA is rated "poor."
The percentage of pavements in the Minnesota MPA rated "good" for the non-Interstate National Highway System (NHS) rose from just over 57% in 2020 to nearly 66% in 2021. Although "good" pavements in the Wisconsin MPA are at a low 16%, the percentage of "poor" pavements is also low (2.5%), revealing that a significant percentage (81.5%) of pavements are only in "fair" conditions.
Of the NHS bridges in the Minnesota portion of the planning area, 55% of them are rated "good" in 2020 and 2021. The bridges in the Wisconsin portion of the planning area that are rated "good" decreased from just over 51% in 2020 to about 45% in 2021. Only one (1) bridge in the planning area is rated "poor."
In 2021, travel time reliability in the planning area on both the Minnesota and Wisconsin sides are 100% for the Interstate, 93.2% (MN) and 91% (WI) for the non-Interstate NHS, and 1.14 (MN) and 1.17 (WI) for the Interstate truck travel time reliability index.
1Pavement condition for Wisconsin pavements has not yet been made available for 2021.
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