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land records


Register of Deeds

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Real Estate Records Access-Laredo

What records can I access? In La Crosse County, the real estate document are indexed back to 1968, tract indexes, general indexes & plat maps are completely in, and other document images are in back to 1851. Regular recorded real estate documents previous to 1938 may only be accessed with the document number since they are not yet indexed (some images are still being worked on). 

What equipment do I need?
Your operating system must be Windows 2000, Windows XP, or above. You must have MS Internet Explorer ver 6.0 or higher web browser installed. You will also need video and monitor capable of at least 1024 X 768 resolution and 16 bit high color. If proxy or firewall is used, settings or ports must match La Crosse County ports. 

How much does it cost?
Click here for fees.

How do I set up my search? As with any system, you will need to determine the best strategy for finding your information. For more suggestions on how to search using Laredo, click
Search Tips

Do I need to sign an agreement?
Yes. To get a copy of the Laredo agreement that you will need to print and fill out, click on one of the following:

How can I access Laredo? After we receive your completed agreement, we will assign you a user name and password that you can use to access Laredo.

Who do I contact for more information about Laredo? Send an email to the La Crosse County Register of Deeds here.