Hazards can come in many forms. Natural hazards, like floods or winter storms, can affect your family's access to food and electricity. Hazardous materials emergencies, like the release of a dangerous chemical into our community, can result in health problems and property damage.
La Crosse County Emergency Management (LCEM), in cooperation with state and local agencies, identify the potential for hazardous materials emergencies in La Crosse County and develop policies and procedures for responding to and recovering from hazardous materials emergencies if they were to occur. This planning is paramount to protect the community from a potentially harmful and life-threatening release of a hazardous material.
Tier II Reporting: Under SARA Title III, these reports by are due yearly by March 1st for the prior calendar year.
What is WHOPRS?
The Wisconsin Hazmat Online Planning and Reporting System (WHOPRS) is Wisconsin's customized version of TIER II MANAGER. This system is designed for Wisconsin's facilities to meet their reporting requirements under state and federal regulations and to assist counties, tribes, LEPCs and first responders in planning activities related to responding to chemical-related emergencies.
How do I report this information?
Wisconsin accepts Tier II data and reporting information electronically using WHOPRS or through hard copy submissions using Wisconsin-specific forms, which can be located on the WEM Website. We encourage all La Crosse County businesses to consider filing all forms electronically via WHOPRS.
Wisconsin Hazmat Online Planning and Reporting System Website | Wisconsin Emergency Management Forms |
The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 was authorized by Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act to help communities plan for chemical emergencies. It requires industry to report on the storage, use, and releases of certain chemicals to federal, state, tribal, territorial, and/or local governments. It also requires these reports to be used to prepare for and protect their communities from potential risks.
The United States Congress enacted Public Law 99-499 in October 1986 to protect and inform all citizens of the existence of extremely hazardous chemicals that may be manufactured, stored, distributed, or used in your community.
P.L. 99-499 is the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986, Title III of the "Superfund and Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986" (SARA).
For more information on EPCRA, please visit the EPA website: Environmental Protection Agency
Information about these hazardous chemicals and locations within La Crosse County are available, please contact the Emergency Management Office:
Emergency Management Office
333 Vine Street, Rm 1500, La Crosse WI 54601
Regular Business Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., excludes holidays
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