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Sheriff's Office


Emergency Management

More Information

Training Opportunities

If you are interested in expanding your Emergency Management knowledge, Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM) offers a wide variety of training courses each year for emergency management coordinators, elected officials, members of law enforcement, fire protection, public works, and volunteer agencies. Information about upcoming courses can be found on WEM's Training Portal. You can register online for these courses by creating an account in the Training Portal.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) also provides an Independent Study Program consisting of numerous self-paced courses. A few examples being Emergency Manager: An Orientation to the Position, An Introduction to Hazardous Materials, Animals in Disasters, Introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS), and Emergency Planning. For a full listing of these courses, see the following: 

Great Rivers 2-1-1

If you're struggling with basic needs, addiction or in a crisis - we will help. Reach Great Rivers by dialing 2-1-1 or (800) 362-8255 - 24/7. It won't cost you anything, and they don't share with anyone that you reached out. Great Rivers 2-1-1 will work to connect you with the resources you need. 

Top 5 Hazards for La Crosse County

Hazards and ratings are from our most recent Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan's - Risk Assessment. The Mitigation Plan can be found under our Emergency Management Plans tab, for more information on how these ratings were calculated.

Heavy Snow
Ice Storm 
Extreme Cold 


Our County's Hazard Mitigation Plan is currently being revised; thus, these rankings are subject to change in the coming future.

Useful Websites for Emergency Management Information