Children and Youth
Reporting Child Abuse and/or Neglect
If you believe that a child (a boy or girl ages 0 to 17) has been
- abused (physically, sexually, or emotionally),
- neglected (physically or emotionally),
- or is at risk of abuse or neglect,
you should report your concerns to La Crosse County Department of Human Services:
Phone: 608-784-4357 (HELP)
Business Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
After Hours/Weekends/Holidays: Call 911 in the event of an emergency

Child abuse is the physical, sexual, or emotional maltreatment of a child (ages 0 to 17) by a parent, family member, other caregiver, or non-caregiver.
Physical abuse will involve cuts, broken or fractured bones, burns, internal injuries, or "severe and frequent bruising" inflicted on a child by other than accidental means. Sexual abuse will involve sexual intercourse, other sexual contact, or
exploitation. Emotional damage means harm to a child's psychological or intellectual functioning, exhibited to a severe degree. Child neglect is the failure of a parent or other caregiver to provide necessary care
(including supervision), food, clothing, shelter, and medical care - for reasons other than poverty - so as to seriously endanger the physical health of a child.
Please report! A report requires only reasonable suspicion, NOT absolute certainty. Human Services staff will make follow-up decisions. We at Human Services cannot protect children unless they are brought to our attention.
A social worker will write up your report. They will ask for information such as dates of birth, addresses and phone numbers, regarding the child, parent/caregiver,
household members and suspected maltreater. They will also ask questions about the suspected abuse or neglect. Please be prepared to provide information. The more information that you share, the better subsequent agency decision-making will
A supervisor will review the report for acceptance and urgency decision. The supervisor will make a response time decision if a case is opened or "screened in". Response time is determined by several factors and level of imminent
danger. Screened in cases are designated a response time varying from immediate/same day up to 5 business days.
If you make a report and it is not opened for investigation or "screened out", it doesn't mean that your concerns are
not valid. Screened out cases may have two outcomes: The case may be closed with no further action taken by our agency. Or the case could be referred to Community Response, a voluntary program through the agency. A Community Response worker
would provide support and offer assistance with resources in regards to housing, food, child care resources, parenting assistance for children of all ages, activities to do with children, help with finances and many more!
Information You Will Be Asked When Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
- Identifying Information (i.e. names, dates of birth, relationships and addresses of family and household members).
- Specifics of the injury/alleged maltreatment (such as time, place details of injury)
- Access to alleged maltreater (how often does the alleged maltreater have access to the child?)
- Description of the child including current locations (ie: school), functioning (ie: special needs) and vulnerability (ie: young age)
- Description of the parents functioning and parenting practices
- Description of the family, highlighting general functioning, current stresses and how the family might respond to intervention by social services
- Names and contact information for other people who may have information about the child or family.
- Any information you know or suspect about issues concerning the family or prior concerns you have had.
***Please be aware that all of the above information is not necessary to report abuse and neglect. The questions above are simply a guide to help prepare you for what will be asked. Even if you do not know all of the answers, please do not hesitate to report.
State law protects reporter confidentiality. We will not disclose your name to the individuals whom you report. You should
not be afraid of reprisals if you report.
If at any time it is found that children are in a dangerous environment, Child Protective Services (CPS) has the legal obligation to take action to protect the children, to prevent further abuse
and neglect and to preserve families whenever possible. When a social worker meets with the child and family, they will interview the children, parents and other household members regarding the maltreatment concerns, observe the family home,
assess for the child's safety and risks as well as family strengths and needs. Based on the information collected, a determination will be made in accordance with state statutes as to whether maltreatment has occurred. Services that may benefit
the child/ren and family will also be identified. A brochure has been developed Parent's Guide to Child Protective Service Assessments to
help parents understand what to expect in the child protection process.
Child Protective Services (CPS) has the flexibility to apply the response that best matches the needs of the families. La Crosse County CPS utilizes two approaches: Traditional Response and Alternative
When there is a serious and immediate risk of harm to children, CPS responds with a Traditional Investigation. Once an investigation is completed,
the social worker must decide if the child has been or is likely to be abused or neglected. If the social worker finds that child abuse or neglect did not occur, the report is "unsubstantiated". If the social worker finds that child abuse
or neglect did occur, the case is "substantiated".
When a child is not in immediate danger, an Alternative Response (AR) is used. With Alternative
Response, the goal is to help families get needed services, supports, and other help that will resolve concerns and stressors often associated with allegations of child maltreatment. Once an assessment has been completed, a case decision is
made. There are two decisions that can be made: Services Not Needed and the case is closed or Services Needed and the family will receive ongoing services through the Department.
For more information regarding the Alternative Response approach in Wisconsin, please visit the Department of Children and Families website.
Human Services strives to keep families together. We serve most children and families in the family home. Court action is necessary whenever a child is removed from the parental home.
In removal situations, Human Service actions are guided by Wisconsin State Statutes. These statutes set forth agency child protection responsibilities, situations in which agencies may petition the Courts for involvement in children's lives,
dispositions which Courts might enter on children's behalf, criteria which must be met in order to take children into custody, places in which children taken into custody may be held, and more. These Statutes closely circumscribe social workers'
actions. Children and families are awarded many rights by these statutes.
You will receive follow up correspondence if you are a mandated reporter. Mandated reporters are professionals who are required by law to
report suspected abuse and neglect of any child they see while in the course of their professional duties. The follow up letter will provide basic information about the intervention as state law provides for family confidentiality. The social
worker will not send you a letter if you are a non-mandated reporter as state law prohibits this breach of family confidentiality.
Persons Required
to Report Abuse & Neglect are Physicians, Coroners, Medical Examiners, Nurses, Dentists, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Optometrists, Day Care Providers, Chemical Dependency Counselors, Marriage/Family Therapists, Professional Counselors,
Physical Therapist, including PT assistants, Occupational Therapists, Dietitians, Speech Therapists, Audiologists, EMTs/Paramedics, Social/Public Assistance Workers as defined under 49.141 (1) (d), School Administrators, Teachers/Counselors,
Police/Law Enforcement Officers, Mediators under s.767.11, a child care worker in a child care center, group home or residential care center for children and youth, a child care provider, a member of a treatment staff employed by or working
under contract with a county department or a residential care center for children and youth, Court-appointed special advocates (CASA).
For more
information regarding mandated reporters, please read the State of Wisconsin Statute 48.981(2).
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Becoming a Foster Parent or Relative Care Provider

What is a Foster Home?A foster home cares for a
child or children, temporarily, who need a safe, stable and nurturing place to live when the parents/guardians are unable to meet the needs of the child/ren. The length of the child's stay in foster care is dependent upon the progress made by
parents to address the problems that lead to placement. Foster parents become licensed after a thorough home study is completed. Home studies include criminal and other background checks, verification of good health, references, interviews with
a social worker, and inspection of the physical layout of the home. To ensure that an individual or couple is well suited to providing foster care, an in-depth assessment of the applicants' history, parenting practices and/or expectations, supportive
relationships, and employment are among the areas explored through interviews and questionnaires. Single people, unmarried couples, married couples, and LGBT+ couples are all able to be licensed as foster parents.
Eligibility Requirements:To be licensed as a foster parent, an adult caring for a foster child must:
Licensing Process:- Initial contact
Begin the licensing process by calling Lora Kirschner at (608) 789-4834 or by email. - Orientation and Pre-Placement Trainings
A two-hour Orientation session is required for those interested in learning about the foster care program and wishing to apply for licensure. Orientation meetings are offered monthly,
at which time participants will be given an application packet, an overview of the program, and a chance to have any questions answered.
One additional training session called "Pre-Placement" is required and is two hours in length.
The Pre-Placement training is offered monthly, as well. The State of Wisconsin requires attendance at both of these trainings prior to the placement of a child in your home. Your worker will discuss other training requirements necessary
to maintain your licensure.
Please contact Lora Kirschner to register for an upcoming orientation. - Complete an application packet
The application packet consists of the following forms:
- Application
- Disclosure of Financial Information
- DCF 56 Child Foster Care Licensing Checklist
- Criminal background check forms
- Health Assessment forms
- Firearms Declaration
- Release of Information
- Notice of Confidentiality
- Background and reference checks
A background check will be conducted by the agency and includes: national fingerprint check with FBI, State of Wisconsin Caregiver Background check, domestic violence history, child protective
services history, juvenile delinquency history, and Department of Motor Vehicle records check. Any results from these background checks will be discussed with you by the assigned social worker. Not all criminal charges are a bar to licensing
and the full circumstances surrounding any results will be taken into consideration. - Complete the foster care home study
A social worker will meet with you in your home to complete the foster care home study. The study process consists of about 16 to 20 hours of face-to-face contact with each parent
and some additional time with each child in the family. The assessment tool is comprised of several categories: History, Personal Characteristics, Marital/Domestic Partner relationships, Others Residing in the Home, Extended Family Relationships,
Physical/Social Environment, General Parenting, Specialized Parenting, and Adoption Issues. The assessment also includes a social history component and other demographic information about the home and household. Based on the results of the
assessment, the social worker will make a recommendation about foster care licensure and will identify any training or other needs that should be met by the family prior to licensure. - Issuance or denial of license
A State of Wisconsin Foster Care License will be issued when all licensing requirements have been met. The license will indicate the number, sex and age range of the child(ren) for whom
you may provide care. The license is in effect up to two years and may be renewed upon successful completion of re-licensing requirements. If a license is denied, the applicants have the right to appeal the decision to the State (for more
information on this see DCF 56.10).
A record is kept of all persons
who apply for a license including those who were denied a license or voluntarily chose not to complete the process. This information is accessible by all social workers in the State of Wisconsin.
Foster Parent ResponsibilitiesFoster parents play a central and valuable role in the child welfare system. Their primary task is to provide
temporary care that is nurturing and supportive until plans can be made for the child's permanent living arrangement. In addition, foster parents are expected to:
- Comply with Departmental requirements
- Meet foster home licensing standards DCF 56 – Foster Home Care for Children
- Communicate any important information about the child to the social worker and/or birth parent
- Work in partnership with birth families, including extended relatives and the Department to support the child during difficult times
For more information about the role of foster parents, please read the
Guiding Values for the La Crosse County Foster Care Program.
Additionally, the State of Wisconsin
Foster Parent Handbook provides
foster parents with basic information about working with the child welfare system while caring for children requiring foster care.
Fostering a child or children who cannot safely live with parents or other family members is a challenging, but rewarding job. To learn about becoming a foster parent, respite home or other ways you can help children in need, please contact Lora Kirschner at (608) 789-4834. Lora will share when the next foster parent orientation meeting will be held, which is required for both respite and foster care. Orientations are held monthly at the La Crosse County Human Services offices, 300 4th Street, N., La Crosse.
Is Foster Care for Me?The following questions can help you decide whether foster parenting is
the right fit for you and your family.
- Do you (and your significant other, if applicable) have a happy, stable life?
- Can you care for a child who has come from a different cultural background than yours?
- Do you like children and enjoy having them around twenty four hours a day?
- Are you mature and secure enough to realize that some children may have difficulty adjusting to your way of life? Do you have the ability to accept a child where he or she is mentally, physically, socially, emotionally, or spiritually?
- Are you willing and able to make adjustments in your life and your home to meet the specific needs of a child placed in your home?
- Do you have enough space in your home for the child to have a bed of his or her own (not in a common living space)?
- Are the members of your family in good health?
- Does your income meet the basic needs of your own family?
- Could you accept the fact that a child placed in your home eventually may return to his or her own home or be placed elsewhere?
- Can you maintain a positive attitude toward a child's parents, even though you may feel many of the problems the child experiences are a direct result of the parent's actions?
- Are you willing and able to take a child to counseling sessions, doctor's appointments, court hearings and other regular appointments?
- Would you welcome the advice and assistance of a social worker in a team effort to meet the needs of each child?
Also check out this tip sheet from the Foster Care and Adoption Resource Center:
Is Fostering a Good Fit For Us? Things To ConsiderWhat is a Respite Home?A respite home provides
short-term care to a child or children on weekends, evenings, or as needed to give foster parents or birth parents a break. A respite provider becomes "certified" if, after criminal background checks and home visits have been completed, a social worker
recommends certification. Respite homes are not eligible to provide ongoing foster care which requires a much more thorough and intensive study process. Licensed foster homes are able to provide respite without going through the respite certification
process, however.
These homes typically provide care in 1 to 2 day increments although, in special situations, may go up to 14 days.
To support our foster homes and provide breaks from care giving, respite care is offered to La Crosse County foster parents who are caring for foster children.
Other Ways to Help Children in Foster CareWe understand that not everyone is ready to
become a foster parent, but there are many other ways that you, your business, church or service organization can help children in foster care and foster parents in your community.
- Provide overnight or weekend respite care to give foster parents a break from their responsibilities. To learn more about becoming a respite provider, email or call Lora Kirschner at (608) 789-4834.
- Help recruit people you believe would make good foster parents. Refer them to our website or Facebook Page and
encourage them to contact us at (608) 789-4834 for more information.
- Consider having your business donate door prizes to be used at various foster care appreciation events throughout the year. Contact Lora Kirschner at (608) 789-4834 for information.
- Plan a service project for your group that benefits children in foster care such as collecting donated items (school supplies or care packages are some examples) or making items to donate, such as blankets. For more ideas or information on this
Lora Kirschner at (608) 789-4834.
- Help provide Christmas gifts for children in foster care by participating in the holiday "For Goodness Sakes" project through the La Crosse County Health Department.
- Visit for more ideas of ways you can "Change a Lifetime."
- If you are aware of a child in the community who is being abused or neglected, immediately report your concerns to La Crosse County Child Protective Services at (608) 784-4357.
KinshipKinship provides financial assistance to adults who are caring for child relatives or step-children. The adult caregiver is eligible
for Kinship if they are the child's step-parent, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister, first cousin, nephew, niece, aunt, uncle, or any person of a preceding generation as denoted by the prefix of grand, great, or great-great, whether by blood
or marriage or legal adoption, or the spouse of any person mentioned, even if the marriage is terminated by death or divorce.
Approved Kinship relatives
are eligible for a monthly Kinship grant, pending availability of funding, to assist in the care of the child(ren.)
For more information about the Kinship
Care Program visit the
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families website.
To access the Kinship Care Payment Application, ask for the Kinship Coordinator at (608) 784-4357 or visit
Types of Foster Homes Licensed by La Crosse CountyEmergency Foster Homes:Emergency foster homes take turns being on-call
24 hours per day to accept placement of children who require removal from their home due to alleged child abuse and/or neglect concerns. Emergency homes help to decide when and for how long they will be on-call, but two homes are on-call at all times
to care for two different age groups: 0 to 5 years and 6 to 12 years of age. Children over 12 years of age requiring placement for protection reasons are sometimes accepted for placement by the home covering 6 to 12 year olds. When the on-call Child
Protection social worker is paged by law enforcement after-hours and on weekends, the social worker calls the on-call emergency home directly to notify them of the pending placement.
If placement of a child or sibling group is necessary during office hours, the placement may be diverted from emergency care to maintain openings for after-hours placement needs.
While a child is placed in emergency foster care, the Child Protection social worker assesses the ability to safely reunite the child with the parent(s) or place with appropriate relatives. If it is not possible to reunite the child with parents
or relatives, the social worker will seek an on-going foster care placement. Placements in emergency foster homes do not generally exceed 60 days.
Ongoing Foster Homes:La Crosse County Human Services licenses foster homes in all corners of the county. Foster homes are in rural and urban settings and vary regarding the child
population served, based on the skill set and preference of the foster parents. An "ongoing" foster home takes placement of a child or children with the expectation that the children placed will remain in the home for as long as is needed, which
can become months and even years in rare cases. Because the agency works first and foremost to reunite children with their parents, it is necessary that foster parents are willing to work collaboratively with the agency, birth parents and sometimes
other relatives of the children placed in their home. Foster parents assist birth families by cooperating with child and family visiting schedules, including transporting to and from visits, and sometimes supervising those visits between the child
and parents.
While child welfare agencies strive to minimize the number of foster home placements a child must endure, sometimes foster placements
end due to the needs of the child, the foster family, or both. Foster parents always maintain the right to request a child's removal when warranted, but it is hoped that such moves can be avoided by identifying problems early on, and seeking assistance
from the social workers and other members of the treatment team.
Matching a child with an ongoing home involves a meeting between the family's social
worker and the unit that licenses foster homes, the Permanency Resource Unit. The social worker discusses the strengths and needs of the child, educational placement and needs, the child-family visitation schedule and other variables concerning
the child/family. The social workers attempt to "match" the child with the most appropriate foster family.
Once a placement match has been established,
a Permanency Resource Unit worker contacts the prospective foster family and discusses the child and identified needs of the child/family. Emergency foster parent(s) are often encouraged to contact the selected ongoing foster family to exchange
information about the child(ren). When possible, pre-placement visits are facilitated. In some cases, the social worker introduces the birth parent(s) to the new foster family prior to placement.
Within the first thirty days of the placement an assessment of the child will occur in accordance with the
supplemental/exceptional rate setting guidelines.
The foster parents, the Permanency Resource Unit social worker and the social worker for the child/family will meet as a team and complete the assessment. This assessment is used in determining the monthly foster care rate paid to the foster family,
as well as the amount of
respite that will be available for the foster
family's use.
Concurrent Foster Homes:Homes willing to consider adoption
of children placed in their care are called "Legal-Risk" or "Concurrent" homes. The term "legal-risk" is sometimes used because
the legal outcome for the child is unknown early on in the case. The foster parents must be prepared for both the child's return to parents, as well as the possibility that the child might be
free for adoption one day.
All children in foster care must have individualized, written plans that identify options for the child's permanent living
arrangements. These plans are called "Permanency Plans." In 1997, the federal government began requiring that plans have "concurrent goals", meaning the agency must prepare, simultaneously, for more than one possible, permanent living situation
for the child. Most children have Permanency Plans identifying "Reunification" with parents as one goal, while a second (concurrent) goal might be "Guardianship with a Relative" or "Adoption." The agency is expected to be working toward both goals
at the same time so children don't languish in foster care.
Like other ongoing foster homes, concurrent or legal-risk homes are expected to cooperate
with the social workers and follow the case plan, including supporting child-family visits.
Sometimes newborns and infants are placed directly into
concurrent homes to avoid multiple moves. Parent-child visits can be daily and, when possible, occur in the foster home.
Foster Parent TrainingPre-Placement TrainingPre-Placement training is designed to provide information to couples and singles considering foster care
licensure. There are two, two-hour sessions: Orientation and Pre-Placement. These sessions are required by the State of Wisconsin, and are the entry-way into the licensure process. Applications for licensure are provided to those who attend the
Orientation session.
Topics cover three main categories: 1) Agency Systems, Laws and Process, 2) System Expectations of Foster Parents, and 3) Information
Needed by Foster Parents. A variety of issues are explored within these areas, such as the goals of the child welfare system, roles and responsibilities, nurturing care and discipline, confidentiality, maintaining family connectedness, culture,
and child development.
To register for this training course call Lora Kirschner at (608) 789-4834 or
Foundations"Foundations" is a required training curriculum for
licensed foster parents and it must be completed within the first two years of licensure. The Foundations curriculum consists of eight sessions which are each three to four hours in length (for a total of twenty eight hours). The sessions are
taught by social workers and foster parents to provide a realistic taste of the issues that arise when fostering children and youth who have experienced trauma through abuse, neglect,
Those interested in signing up for the next Foundations cycle should call Lora Kirschner at (608) 789-4834 or
For additional information on Foundations training, visit the
Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development System website.
Pathways to Trauma-Informed Parenting TrainingPathways to Trauma-Informed Parenting Training is a twenty hour training held on eight week-nights, or five Saturdays. Participants learn of the impact adverse childhood experiences have on children. Children who are exposed
to domestic violence, physical abuse, neglect or other traumatic experiences can be impacted in lasting ways that are discussed. Participants will learn skills and strategies around helping these children to feel safe while also learning
parenting techniques that best respond to the child’s emotional needs.
Confidentiality TrainingThis two-and-a-half hour training is required for all licensed foster parents and is designed to teach the expectations and requirements around keeping private their foster child's personal and family information and circumstances. An emphasis
is placed on the sensitivity and ethical responsibilities we have to protect the child and family's information, while respecting the dignity of children and families served. Strategies to avoid challenging social situations are also explored
in this training.
Newly licensed homes should attend this training within the first year of licensure to ensure that the laws and penalties around
confidentiality are understood.
email or call Lora Kirschner at (608) 789-4834
to find out when the next session is being offered and to sign up for this training.
Ongoing TrainingAll La Crosse County foster parents are required to complete at least 12 hours of ongoing training per calendar year. At least four hours of training must be earned through attendance and participation at in-house trainings. La Crosse County
Human Services Department provides generalized foster parent trainings several times per year. Training hours may also be earned from outside sources but must be pre-approved and verifiable (foster parents must provide a copy of the training certificate
and/or pamphlet or agenda from the training.)
Foster parents can also earn training credit from reading books or watching videos that are relevant
and directly related to foster care. La Crosse County Human Services has a resource library which foster parents can access to check out training materials. Foster parents can earn up to a total of two training hours for reading books (1/2 hour
of training credit per book) or watching videos (1 hour of training credit per video) and must submit a brief summary describing what they learned from the book or video and how they can apply that to the care they provide.
Although foster parents may not be required to participate in any training beyond the minimum requirements, La Crosse County Human Services strongly encourages all foster parents to participate
in as much training as possible to increase their overall knowledge and skill level. Foster parenting has become an increasingly complex and demanding responsibility and in order to meet these challenges, foster parents must increase their knowledge
and skills to adequately care for the children placed in their home.
Support for Foster ParentsLa Crosse County Permanency Resource UnitLa Crosse County Human Service Department maintains a Permanency Resource Unit whose primary function is to recruit, license, supervise and support general foster parents and relative caregivers. The
unit consists of five full time social workers. One social worker is responsible for licensing new, general foster homes, two social workers provide ongoing support and assistance to the general foster parents, and two social workers focus on
searching for, assessing and supporting licensed, relative caregivers. Two support staff assist the unit in providing these, and other, services.
Foster Parent HandbookThe
Foster Parent Handbook,
created by the Wisconsin Foster Care and Adoption Resource Center, is intended to give basic information about foster care in Wisconsin to newly-licensed foster parents and to serve as a refresher for experienced foster parents. In it, foster
parents will find an overview of the foster care program, information about what is expected of foster parents, a discussion about the care of children in foster care, and an explanation of the critical need to work cooperatively with birth
families. An emphasis is made on the importance of foster family self-care. This handbook also provides additional tools and resource lists if foster parents want to learn more about a specific topic.
Web ResourcesState of Wisconsin websites:
National websites:
Parenting/Child Care Information:
Resources for Children in Foster Care:
Wisconsin Administrative Rules
Wisconsin Statutes
Federal Laws
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Child Care (becoming a provider, finding a provider, help paying for child care)
Becoming a Provider
To talk with someone about becoming
a certified child care provider call The Parenting Place at 784-8125, ext. 220, or for more information go to If interested in opening a child care center please go to
Finding a Provider
Searching for safe, quality and regulated child care in Wisconsin has never been easier.
Many providers are rated by YoungStar so that you can know how they measure up against research-based quality indicators. Contact The Parenting Place at 784-4519 for a customized child care referral to meet your needs or
go to this link To visit the state Department of
Children and Families' website search feature, please click on the following link:
Help Paying for Child Care
Child care assistance helps pay the cost of child
care for persons who are working or for persons going to school and working.
For information on eligibility guidelines and qualifying activities, visit the Wisconsin Shares website at:
To apply online, go to:
To apply by phone or to apply in person, call: 1-888-627-0430
Information on MyWIChildCare EBT Payment System:
Parent Portal
Provider Portal
For more information, go to:
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Finding Out About More Child and Youth ServicesChildren With Disabilities
La Crosse County Services: A number of services are available for children/youth with Physical Disabilities, Developmental Disabilities, or Mental Health disorders. Additional information
on how to access services can be obtained by contacting the La Crosse County Human Services Department at 608-784-HELP (4357).
Children's Long Term Support WaiverSupports and services provided to support children with disabilities who have long-term support needs at home
and in the community. La Crosse County social workers provide comprehensive assessments and service facilitation for families of children with disabilities. Individuals are connected with appropriate supporting services based upon the
individual assessment and outcomes. Some programs have waitlists.
- Eligibility: Children/youth who are significantly impacted by Severe Emotional Disturbance, Physical Disability, or Developmental Disability that have a level of care required for the program, reside
in an eligible setting, and be eligible for Wisconsin Medicaid. You may apply to have your eligibility determined by contacting The Parenting Place Family Navigation Program at 608-784-8125 ext 235 or making an online referral
at Eligibility Based Programs - The Parenting Place.
More information can be found at:
- Cost: Parental cost share system based on family income.
- Potential CLTS Providers
Autism Behavioral Treatment ServicesAutism Treatment Services became Medical Assistance “card services” in 2016. Families may directly contact an Autism Treatment Provider in the area to discuss their child’s needs. The provider will complete
the Medical Assistance Prior Authorization process to ascertain if the child is eligible and can benefit from treatment.
Birth To ThreeAn early intervention program that is a family focused program for children ages birth to three years old with a significant medical diagnosis or developmental delays. The program provides developmental
screenings and evaluations along with services specific to the child which may include Early Childhood Education, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Speech.
- Eligibility: Children ages birth to three with significant medical diagnosis or developmental delays. Eligibility determined via a state required screen.
- Cost: Most costs are funded through Federal and State sources but there is a Parental Cost share system which is based on family income.
Children's Community Options ProgramThe Children's Community Options Program (CCOP) provides families
with a coordinated set of strategies to assist them in the provision of support and guidance to their child with a disability while living at home or in foster care.
- Eligibility: Children who meet an institutional care level, are living at home or in foster care who have substantial limitations in multiple daily activities as a result of one or more of the following
disabilities: Developmental Disabilities (DD), Severe Emotional Disturbances (SED) or Physical Disabilities (PD). You may apply to have your eligibility determined, by contacting Compass Threshold Wisconsin, at 608-397-8850.
More information can be found at:
- Cost: Parental cost share system based on family income.
* Additional mental health services for children/youth may be available by contacting the La Crosse County Human Services Department at 608-784-HELP (4357).
Mental Health Services for ChildrenMobile Crisis Emergency Services
784-HELP (4357)
Provided 24 hours – 7 days per week
Face-to-face and/or telephone response to
individuals experiencing a mental health crisis.
For more information see Mental Health Crisis Program brochure.
Comprehensive Community Services (CCS)Moderate intensity mental health and/or substance use outpatient program for adults or children/youth. Service
facilitators work with the consumer to identify a Recovery Team from their formal and natural support systems. The consumer identifies their goals, and is a part of the process of designing a plan of services from a network of providers
to help them achieve their goals. Coordinated Services Team (CST) approach (more intense) available for children involved in multiple systems of care who are at risk for out-of-home care and/or for children involved with Child Protection
or Youth Justice systems.
CCS Program Informational Guide |
CCS Brochure and Intake Information- Eligibility: La Crosse County residents with Medical Assistance who have moderate-high intensity mental health and/or substance use service needs.
- Referral process: Contact the La Crosse County Human Services Department at 608-784-HELP (4357).
- Cost: No cost to M.A. consumers.
Services for Children With Behavioral Issues or Who Have Committed a CrimeIf a child is out of control, and a parent(s) is in need of assistance, they have several options. Parent(s) may look into services through various agencies throughout the community including
but not limited to, individual counseling, family counseling, group programs, psychiatry (medication), etc. For a complete list of local services see
Great Rivers 2-1-1.
Should outside professional help prove not effective, parent(s) may contact Human Services and request assistance in seeing a social worker to
determine if their situation meets state law and County requirements/criteria for JIPS (Juvenile in Need of Protection and Services) jurisdiction. Court proceedings could take place and a parent(s) would need to be willing to sign a petition
to the facts that meet the requirements/criteria for JIPS jurisdiction. Should a Judge find that the youth is in need of protection or services, the youth will be placed on JIPS Supervision, and a social worker will manage the case and
arrange services for the youth and family to best meet their needs. The social worker will also have the ability to assist the family in holding the youth accountable for not following the court's JIPS order.
Further, if a youth's behavior leads to being charged with a crime the youth may enter the Youth Justice System either through
Juvenile Detention if the charge warrants detention for the protection of the community or through a
Referral from the police department. Either way the youth will meet with a Social Worker from La Crosse County's Youth Justice Unit to
determine the proper course of action (closure of case, deferred prosecution agreement, or further court involvement). For more information, visit the
Youth Justice Supervision portion of this
Services for Former Foster Youth Who Are 18 or Over and Living On Their OwnBasic NeedsThe federal John H. Chafee Foster Care Program
for Successful Transition to Adulthood (“Chafee Act”) outlines independent living program requirements and provides funding to states to help identify and meet the needs of youth currently or previously in court-ordered out-of-home
care placements. Specifically, those youth who are likely to age out of care at age 18 or older and those that age out of care up to age 23. As of January 1, 2016, qualifying La Crosse County youth receive independent living services from
the county while in care and from the contracted regional provider in their area after discharging from care. Currently, the Wisconsin Department of Children & Families (DCF) contracts with Family & Children's Center (FCC) for
regional independent living services. Support that FCC can provide to eligible young adults ages 18-23 may include the following:
- Basic living skills (e.g., money management, cooking, decision making)
- Job seeking, work experience and employment
- Obtaining high school diplomas and higher education
- Obtaining health care
- Financial self-sufficiency
- Obtaining safe and stable living environments
- Access to and knowledge of local resources (e.g., human service agencies, medical and mental health facilities, food pantries)
More information about independent living in Wisconsin is available at Specifically, regional service provider contract information is available at
Education & Training Voucher Program
The federal Chafee Act was later amended to include the Education and Training Vouchers (ETV) Program. The purpose of this program is to help youth make
the transition to self-sufficiency and receive the education, training, and services necessary to complete schooling and obtain employment. As of 2019, in Wisconsin the ETV program is called Brighter Star and is part of the state’s
independent living program. As an independent living service provider, Family & Children’s Center also administers Brighter Star funding to eligible La Crosse County young adults.
More information about ETV/Brighter Star is available at and
To get additional information or apply for any of these benefits, contact Family & Children's Center at 608-785-0001 and ask to speak with the Independent Living Coordinator.
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Juvenile Detention Facility
Western Regional Adolescent Services
We serve children lawfully detained in Wisconsin that are at least 10 years old but less than
18 years old.
Our facilities are located at: Health and Human Services Building
300 4th Street North, 4th Floor
La Crosse, WI 54601
Maps and Directions
Instructions on paperwork needed to detain children in Secure and Shelter Units
CORE Academy Unit (Community Option for Re-Engagement)CORE Academy is a court ordered program for male youth aged 10-17, used as a secure placement option. Youth can only be referred to the program through a court order at the recommendation of their county social worker.
The maximum length of stay allowed can be up to 365 days (per Wisconsin Statue Section 938.34(3)(f)). The program focuses on four key areas of intervention/treatment: orientation, exploration, integration, and reentry.
CORE Academy is a family based, therapeutic treatment program that includes individual and family counseling. Parental involvement is a key component to the program and parents are expected to participate. There are several
groups offered in the CORE Academy program. These topics include, but are not limited to: ART, Life Skills, AODA, Change Journals, DBT, and MRT. Group participation is a required component of the program.
CORE Academy also provides year round school and summer school through the School District of La Crosse.
CORE Academy has a social worker that coordinates each resident’s treatment plan with the placing county social worker and monitors the youths progress in the program. This includes monthly team meetings, service coordination,
case plan development and management, as well as assess progress throughout the program.
For additional information on the CORE Academy, click on the links below:
- CORE Academy HANDBOOK for
program description, benefits, rules on visitation and personal items, education/program phases, expectations, and referral form/signature page for youth, parent, and social worker.
Secure Unit
(608) 785-6407
Names and Phone Numbers to Remember:
Facility Superintendent
Phone: (608) 386-7028
[email protected]
Facility Supervisors
Lila Barlow
Justin Weisbecker
Jail Inspector
Brad Hoover
770 Technology Way
2nd Floor
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Phone: (715) 738-3009
Fax: (715) 738-3029
[email protected]
Visiting and Phone Calls
- Youth may receive non-professional phone calls or visitors from 1pm – 4 pm and 6pm – 8pm daily.
- Youth may call out during any scheduled free time, which may not coincide with these hours.
- Professionals may call in or visit daily from 8:30am – 12:00pm and 1:00pm – 5:00pm.
- Family visitors may include parents, step-parents, foster parents, grandparents and siblings. Visitors should be prepared to produce I.D. and may be subject to search by metal detector.
- Visitors arriving during business hours should enter through the main entrance of the building. Visitors arriving after 5pm daily or on weekends or holidays must use the north entry to the secure elevator.
Secure Unit Protocols
- All detained children’s hygiene and clothing needs are taken care of by the facility. They need bring nothing with them.
- Children in secure may do schoolwork from their own classes if the work is brought to the facility.
- Children may not have any personal belongings in secure, including but not limited to, makeup, books and magazines, hygiene products, snacks, etc.
- Medications taken by residents shall be brought to the detention facility in their original labeled containers. Any medication not brought in the original labeled container may not be given to the child.
DAILY SCHEDULE (Monday - Friday) |
6:00 - 7:45 a.m. | | Wake up, shower, dress, clean cells, blocks & living area, fold & store issued bedding, eat breakfast, have quiet time in cellblocks |
7:45 a.m. - 12 noon | | School and/or group time |
12:00 - 12:20 p.m. | | Lunch |
12:20 - 1:00 p.m. | | Group |
| | |
1:00 - 3:15 p.m. | | School and/or group time includes visiting time (until 4 p.m.) |
3:15 - 3:45 p.m. | | Study time outside cellblocks |
3:45 - 4:15 p.m. | | Quiet time in cellblocks |
4:15 - 5:00 p.m.
| | Free time |
| |
5:00 - 5:30 p.m. | | Supper |
5:30 - 9:00 p.m. | | Recreation in the gym, free time, phone calls, group |
6:00 - 8:00 p.m. | | Visiting Time |
8:00 - 9:00 p.m. | | Snack served |
9:00 - 9:30 p.m. | | Preparation for bedtime |
9:30 p.m. | | Lockdown for the night |
| | |
6:00 - 9:00 a.m. | | Breakfast, Wake up, shower, dress, clean cells, blocks and living area, fold and store issued bedding, medications(s) given as needed, then quiet time in cellblocks |
10:00 - 12:00 noon | | Deep Cleaning of the facility (if needed) and/or free time |
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. | | Lunch followed by quiet time outside of cellblocks |
1:00 - 5:00 p.m. | | Free time, recreation in the gym, visiting time |
3:45 - 4:15 p.m. | | Quiet time in cellblocks |
5:00 - 5:30 p.m. | | Supper followed by quiet time in cellblocks |
| | |
5:30 - 9:00 p.m. | | Recreation in the gym, free time, phone call |
6:00 - 8:00 p.m | | Visiting time |
8:00 - 9:00 p.m. | | Snack served |
| | |