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Public Notices


REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: Metropolitan Transportation Plan Public Outreach and Engagement Assistance

LAPC is soliciting a Request for Proposal (RFP) for assistance to enhance public outreach and engagement for the update of LAPC's long-range, 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). This is aiming to inform and involve the community in shaping the MTP planning recommendations, activities, and strategies. 

Link to the RFP submission and application with more information: LAPC Outreach Strategy RFP
Note: LAPC Outreach Strategy RFP document was updated on July 1, 2024. Updates are highlighted in orange. 

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: July 17, 2024, at 5pm

To submit, please email a copy of your proposal to Bob Gollnik, LAPC Director at [email protected]

Questions regarding this RFP should be directed to Bob Gollnik, LAPC Director at 608-785-5597, or [email protected]. LAPC will maintain a list of questions and answers on this website for consultant information. Questions will be accepted until July 8, 2024, to ensure all parties have adequate time to review the answers. Additionally, there are no circumstances that will allow proposals received after the deadline to be accepted. 

PUBLIC NOTICE: Amendment to 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program

This notice initiates a minimum 15-day public comment period, ending at 5pm on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, for an amendment to the 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).

This amendment includes the following:

  • Addition of one (1) City of La Crosse project to the TIP List: Various Highways, SW Region Pavement Marking, Construction Anticipated in 2024-2025 (243-24-024). 
  • Addition of one (1) City of La Crescent project to the TIP List: Carbon Reduction Program (CRP), Lease 2 Electric Vehicles for Municipal Use (243-24-025).

Projects to be amended into the TIP as well as existing TIP projects may be viewed in the TIP Project List and in our 2024-2027 TIP Projects web map

The Technical Advisory Committee will review this amendment at its July 10, 2024, meeting, with the LAPC Policy Board taking final action on July 17, 2024.

Please note that information that is new is shaded in green and shown in red text. Information that is in the existing TIP and is being updated is shown only in red text.

***Please also note that information that is part of the June 2024 Amendment is shaded in blue and pending final action on June 25, 2024.

Comments may be submitted directly to Erin Duffer at [email protected] or through our Send Us Your Comments page.

If you need special accommodation or translation into another language to view LAPC plans or programs, please contact Erin Duffer at 608-785-5597.

Yog tias koj xav tau kev pab tshwj xeeb lossis txhais ua lwm hom lus kom pom LAPC cov phiaj xwm lossis phiaj xwm, thov hu rau Erin Duffer ntawm 608-785-5597.

Si necesita adaptaciones especiales o traducción a otro idioma para ver los planes o programas de LAPC, comuníquese con Erin Duffer al 608-785-5597.