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Transportation Services

If you are a resident of La Crosse County, over the age of 60 or are an adult with a disability, you may be eligible for ADRC transportation. Whether you need to get to a medical appointment, pick up groceries, or visit a friend, the ADRC can provide you with a variety of options.

  • Call ADRC at 608-785-5700 or 800-500-3910 to discuss your options.
  • Door to door service is available.
  • 24-hour or 48-hour notice required depending on location.
  • Wheelchair/electric scooter accessible.
  • Hours of service are Monday through Saturday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, and Sunday, 7:00 am to 2:00 pm.
  • Cost varies from $4.50 to $5.50 one-way trip.

Specialized Transportation Program Ride Prioritization Policy

For additional transportation options, click here.

Members of My Choice WI and Inclusa may be eligible for transportation through their program and should contact their community resource coordinator for more information.

Individuals who are Veterans should contact La Crosse County Veterans Services at 608-785-9719.


Medical Assistance Rides:

You may be able to get a ride to your medical appointment if you have no other way to get there. Depending on your situation, you can get a ride, bus tickets, or gas money. To learn more about Wisconsin’s non-emergency medical transportation program, click here.

The goal of this program is to arrange transportation for eligible Medicaid and Badger Care Plus members, throughout the state, to get to covered preventative and life-sustaining medical appointments. To schedule a ride, call 866-907-1493 at least two business days in advance.