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Nutrition Advisory Council


The La Crosse County Senior Nutrition Program is advised by the Nutrition Advisory Council. Its role is to advise on all matters relating to the delivery of nutrition services within the County. Council members:

  • Make recommendations regarding food preferences, days and hours of dining center operations, and dining center locations and furnishings to ensure welcoming environment.
  • Conduct yearly onsite review of each dining center in the nutrition program.
  • Advise and make recommendations regarding services conducted at dining center.
  • Give support and assistance to the ongoing development of the nutrition program.
  • Represent and speak on behalf of the nutrition program participants and program.
  • Act as a communications clearinghouse between nutrition program and the public.

The Nutrition Advisory Council meets on the first Monday of every even month at 2:30 pm. The meeting is held in room 2106 of the La Crosse County Administrative Building and is open to the public.

More than one-half of council membership shall consist of nutrition program participants elected as dining center representatives, including representation from home-delivered meal recipients which may include family members, caregivers, or neighbors of home-delivered meal recipients. If you or someone you know is interested in serving on the Nutrition Advisory Council, please contact us. Thank you!