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Locations & Hours



Image of books with the words Book Club Campbell Library
The Campbell Library Book Club

The Book Club meets the second Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at the Campbell Library.

Copies of Book Club selections are available through the Library in multiple formats including regular print, large print, audio and eBook.

Book groups are a great way to appreciate books and socialize at the same time. The public is always welcome.

For reviews on our current book club selection, please visit amazon.com or barnesandnoble.com.

Campbell Library Book Club Meetings & Selections
Next Meeting

Tuesday, August 13, at 6 p.m.
Inheriting Edith by Zoe Fishman

Upcoming Selections

September - Driftless Gold by Sue Berg 

Campbell Library Book Club Recommendations

Here are lists of our favorite selections from years past.

2023 List

2022 List

2019 List

2018 List