Learn about common sources of poor indoor air quality and how to protect your health. Here are some common sources of indoor air quality problems:
Asbestos is a mineral fiber found in rock and soil. It is strong and resists heat, so it has been used in building materials for insulation and as a fire retardant. When materials with asbestos are damaged, they can release asbestos fibers. This includes things like ceiling and floor tiles, pipe insulation, and others. For more information on asbestos, visit the following link:
Asbestos Program Home | Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Carbon Monoxide
When you burn natural gas, fuel oil, wood, or other fuel, it creates carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide and other air pollutants. For more information on carbon monoxide, visit the following links:
Carbon Monoxide | Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Protecting Your Family from Carbon Monoxide (wisconsin.gov)
Household Chemicals (cleaners, disinfectants, pesticides)
When you use everyday household cleaners and chemicals, they can cause indoor air quality problems. Click on the following link to learn more: Keep Your Family Safe From Household Chemicals (fema.gov)
Mold, Dust, and Biological Contaminants
Most homes have dust, mold, and other contaminants. In many cases they are not considered dangerous. There can be health problems depending on types of dust or mold, if contamination is high, and your health. Check out these resources for information on the health effects from mold and how to clean up and prevent mold:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Mold
Radon is an invisible radioactive gas that has no smell or taste. It occurs naturally in the ground. Radon can cause lung cancer and is found in many homes throughout Wisconsin and La Crosse County.
For more information on radon, visit the following links:
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2nd Floor, 300 4th St. N.
La Crosse, WI 54601
Main Business Phone: 608-785-9872
Main Fax: 608-785-9846
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Office Hours: 8:00am to 4:30pm Monday-Friday; some service hours may vary
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