Making sure your well is in a good location and taking care of it regularly reduces the chance that contaminants can make you sick. We issue well location permits and offer water testing.
Well location permits
Before you build a well, you are required to get a well location permit. We make sure your well is properly setback from potential sources of contamination. Call us at 608-785-9771 for details about the permit and the process for building a well in La Crosse County. You also need a well construction permit from the DNR. A licensed well professional usually handles this for the owner.
Licensed well drillers and plumbers
See information at this link: Well and heat exchange contractors | | Wisconsin DNR
Well permit application
Well and septic program fee schedule
Well information and testing
See information at this link: Wells | Wisconsin DNR
Well water testing recommendations
Test your well water every year for contaminants including coliform, bacteria, and nitrates. You should also test if you notice any change in taste, odor, appearance, or after flooding.
It is very important to test for nitrate in households with pregnant people, infants, and young children. Nitrate can reduce the blood's ability to carry oxygen. In infants it can cause a serious condition called blue baby syndrome.
Visit our Water Quality webpage for testing information or call our lab at 608-785-9733. We can recommend other tests depending on your well's location, age, etc.
Abandoned wells
Abandoned or unused wells can contaminate the aquifer. This can affect the safety and quality of ground water and drinking water. Financial help for well abandonment may be available from the well compensation grant program.
WI Legislation on Abandonment of Wells
Health Department Office Location
2nd Floor, 300 4th St. N.
La Crosse, WI 54601
Main Business Phone: 608-785-9872
Main Fax: 608-785-9846
In a public health emergency call 911
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Interpretation services available upon request
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Office Hours: 8:00am to 4:30pm Monday-Friday; some service hours may vary
La Crosse County Health Department complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws
and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.
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